Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Rubbish Sandwich 6th October

Today's scientifically-calculated nutritional sandwich is.......

nope, we have no idea either. 

should it really be called a sandwich?

nope, we have no idea either. 

Yesterdays mystery filling was....

Horseradish paste with beef slices 
(yeah we laughed at that too)

Nobody guessed it so lets a have a rollover....
lets not actually...

 All in all, one point for artistic impression and having a bash at making a buttie. And for giving us a giggle too...

the campaign to get DK a decent sarnie continues......................

1 comment:

Rosco Peco said...

Good work Big J, if I was chained up and tortured for 15 hours and forced to look at this disaster of a food specimen, just to guess at what it was, Id have to say a very very fine layer of cheese spread, accompained by a very small lump of beef in the top corner. It doesnt look like they are getting any better, although the bread is looking a little bit more normal.