Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Sort of Rubbish Sandwich 12th October

Today's wafer-thin pathetic attempt at a buttie is....

Ham and Yellow (again)

it could be mustard or it could be margarine
- who knows??? who cares???

what we do know however, is that the yellow substance is as thick as the ham, so whatever it is, we hope that its tasty, as there is probably a load of it in there somewhere.

Surely the spread / condiments to meat ratio should always be LESS than the tasty meat filling?

FYI: Margarine is NOT a filling. never has, never will be...unless you are in Prison, which is where these bad-boys should be...

Danwich Rating: 3 (pretty bread)

1 comment:

painter said...

I notice there is a bottle of water in the background... no doubt needed to wash down that bland, stodgy excuse of a sandwich.. 3.5 Sod it i will give him a whole extra point just for the slightly concave effect of Dan sitting on his sandwich whilst on the train.